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Projects and Workshops
To learn more about The Evolving Peacemaker, including editorial reviews and book videos, click here
Leona and Matthew J. Evans present workshops representing two generations of peace builders. Combining speaking with music and video their dynamic presentations motivate and inspire.
​Seven Essential Pathways to Inner Peace
Have you ever wondered how you can make a positive difference in a world filled with violence and turmoil? Mahatma Gandhi has said "We must become the change we wish to see in our world." How does this change take place? It happens one person at a time and begins within our own consciousness.This presentation, based on The Evolving Peacemaker, offers simple yet powerful ideas that can make a positive impact on our overall sense of well-being and significantly enhance our relationships with others.
The Art of Self-Acceptance
The practice of self-acceptance allows us to experience rather than deny whatever is true about ourselves at any given time, both the darkness and the light. It gives us the courage to remain present to the reality of our own behaviors and frees us to recognize the many and varied aspects of our personality without self-hatred or self-rejection. It gives us permission to honor and respect ourselves so that we become able to honor and respect others.
In this workshop we will learn that each of us has value - regardless of our percieved successes or failures..
Shedding Light on Anger
Psychologists today tell us that anger is a normal emotion with a wide range of expressions. it is an energy within us that ranges from mild irritation to intense rage, and it can be used in a variety of ways. In fact, we can use anger to motivate us and move us forward in times of challenge. In this workshop we will take an objective look at the nature of anger and find ways to transform its power in healthy ways.
Peace Building Through the Arts
Both Leona and Matthew have extensive backgrounds in music, theater, and film. In this workshop we will observe and experience the Hero's Journey, depicted through various art forms. We will gain rich insights into the resilience inherent in the human spirit and renew our hope for the future.
How to Forgive Less and Love More
Most of us seeking inner peace realize that forgiveness is a vital part of the process. However, it is often difficult to forgive effectively because our inner wounds run deep, and in many cases never fully heal. This workshop helps us identify and heal our emotional triggers so that we are less likely to be hurt by the words and actions of others. In this way, we have less emotional pain, fewer issues to forgive, and more time to devote to life-affirming endeavors.
Song of the Earth (Short Film)
Click here to view the latest film from WGIFilms, featuring Leona and Matthew J. Evans
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